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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ultimate cat fort contest: Win an iPad 2!

We receive a lot of solicitations at theCHIVE, but when Grégoïre Aléxànder Fromâge, the eccentric owner of catforts.tumblr enlisted theCHIVE to give away an iPad 2 to whoever can construct the most rediculous cat fort on the planet, we took notice. We didn’t think he was serious until a package showed up with a brand new iPad 2, so we’re kind of obligated to give it away at this point. Runners up will get $100 from Petco. Top 10 will receive Chive Logo T’s.

We will choose the top 20, you decide the winner, runner up and top 10 best.

All submissions must be made to theCHIVE submit account here.

Deadline is August 9th.
Make sure to put “Cat Fort” in subject line of your submission.
Please include your email and phone number.

We expect to get a lot of submissions for this, so get creative with your cat fort. The more ridiculous, the better. Good luck!

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